and also an author, director, producer
currently living in Berlin/Germany
Photographs: Alex Lipp, Sebastian Faust
In September 2011 my shortfilmdebut "evolution" partizipated on its first filmfestival:
The "Harlem International Film Festival" in New York City - and - won its first award ! :-)
For a short video-impression from the festival click here
New York City, Harlem International Film Festival 2011
with filmmaker Jaime Lee, Mozell Miley-Bailey and Georg Jungermann
..and another event --> "evolution" goes to
Soundtrack performed live during the screening by Robert Lippok
X-Dream Festival
..and proud to announce its third festival --> "evolution" goes
Lake Michigan/Wisconsin/USA
..well, its fourth festival --> "evolution" goes
Festival de Curtmetratges de Manlleu
..and now the fifth --> "evolution" goes
Festival Trailer 1 +++ Festival Trailer 2 +++ Festival Trailer 3
City of Newport Beach - then and now +++ Festival Homepage
California, Newport Beach Film Festival 2012: Pacific Rim Showcase After-party
with producer Kaycee Cortez, filmmaker Georg Jungermann and actress Elisabeth Müller
..for more pics from Newport Beach click here
..number six --> "evolution" goes
Soundtrack performed live during the screening by Thalia Ioannidou & Thodoris Oikonomou
In cooperation with Goethe Institute Athens
..number seven --> "evolution" goes
..so this is "evolution"s first festival in this category (copied from Wikipedia):
"The annual Athens International Film and Video Festival is one of the few festivals that are
on the official list of Academy Award-qualifying festivals."(short and animated short film category)
Festival Homepage
..number eight --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" selected as 1 of 5 "Best Foreign Project"
Festival Homepage
..number nine --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number ten --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number eleven --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage +++ Featured Films +++ Schedule
..and another nice Award -->
Festival Homepage
..number thirteen --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" as Opening Night Screener
Report about Opening Night on German TV Station
Pictures from Opening Night +++ Festival Homepage
..number fourteen --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number fifteen --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage +++ Audience Award Competition Programme
..number sixteen --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
Museum of Glass (Tacoma) --> where "evolution" will be screened
..number seventeen --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number eighteen --> "evolution" goes
.. and evolution did it again:
The annual Heartland Film Festival is one of the few festivals that are
on the official list of Academy Award-qualifying festivals. ("Oscar Feeder")
--> During this festival 'evolution' will be screenend even three times <--
Festival Homepage +++ 'evolution's Heartland page
..number nineteen --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number twenty --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-one --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" is one of the 10 Official Finalists (from all over the world)
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-two --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" is one of the 10 Official Finalists
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-three --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-four --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-five --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
Today "evolution" celebrates a jubilee: Its 25th Official Selection!
Furthermore with this one it closes a circle: It began in New York City
(Harlem Int. Film Festival) and is just there again --> let's go to the Bronx!
..number twenty-six --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" will open the film festival as Opening Night Film
Festival Homepage
Setup of a whole movie theater in Heinrich-Heine-University:
They designed it so well (shot before the crowd rushed in)
..number twenty-seven --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
Audience in Closing Ceremony (Jaipur "Pink City", India)
..number twenty-eight --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number twenty-nine --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number THIRTY --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage +++ VIFF! 2013 Official Call For Entries Video
..number thirty-one --> and another nice Award -->
Festival Homepage +++ Festival Trailer +++ 2013 Reelheart Winners
Request from India - they heard about my 'nice short film evolution' -
if it would be possible to screen it at CAMEO Short Film Club.
So - lets go - to Mumbai! :-)
CAMEO Short Film Club (Mumbai/India)
..number thirty-two --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number thirty-three --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number thirty-four --> another Award -->
Festival Homepage
Entrance of zeise cinemas Hamburg - Location of Shortfilm Slam Hamburg
..number thirty-five --> and another nice Award -->
Festival Homepage +++ Newspaper Article
The GOLDEN AMIDORO - the Golden Ant
Idea and art casting (unique copy): Andreas Laugesen (artist)
..number thirty-six --> "evolution" goes back to New York City!
I just love those great invitations!! --> got an email from American Online Film Awards -
I did not even submit it but they made a research on my short "evolution"
and would like to show it in spring 2014 plus have it for competition -
thus "evolution" returns to New York City (where it all began:)
Festival Homepage
..number thirty-seven --> "evolution" goes
Festival Trailer +++ Festival Homepage +++ All Films +++ Evolutions Section
..number thirty-eight --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number thirty-nine --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number forty --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage
..number forty-one --> and another nice Award -->
Festival Trailer +++ Newspaper Article
..number forty-two --> "evolution" goes
Festival Homepage +++ Tickets at Paramount Theatre
..number forty-three --> "evolution" goes
Program +++ about the festival (video) +++ Homepage
..number forty-four --> and another nice Award -->
after nomination for
"Best Web Film Shorts", "Best Screenplay" and "Best Suspense Thriller"
Festival Homepage
..number forty-five --> "evolution" goes
..number forty-six --> "evolution" goes
"evolution" ---> Duration: 11 min, FullHD-quality
My part (debut): Writer, Director, Producer, et cetera
The film is a romantic comedy with suspense elements, so that there are several genres in the mix (horror is yet another
feeling what many of the viewers experienced in their emotional disposition;). Besides the story offers a very surprising
twist ending which up to now led the audience in every screening (film festivals, movie theaters) to intense reactions.
The plot is timeless, offers fine humor, it is intelligently composed, and it's new - I’ve never seen it on screen before.
Overall the film is about a very characteristic part of human nature which turned out to be virtually indelible,
very powerful and with far-reaching consequences (the film title is based on this considerations).
All in all its a ROMANTIC COMEDY but also at home in genre SUSPENSE, THRILLER and HORROR
7 Awards (New York City, Las Vegas, Toronto, Seoul, Hamburg, Steinfurt, Gustavsburg) and 46 Official Selections by
now (USA, Canada, UK, Germany, India, Russia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Greece, Romania, Cyprus)
Up to now
the short film was screened in 40 movie theaters (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, India, Mongolia),
from big chain cinema to little and cozy arthouse movie theaters, several of them
with the filmmaker and director himself beeing present, including Q&A.
And it is or will be broadcasted by 30 TV stations (Germany).
List of movie theaters and TV stations (plus
information for future customers)
Watch Trailer
----- All Information about this film in English -----
Alle Infos zum Film auf Deutsch
इस फिल्म की सारी जानकारी हिंदी में
Toda la información sobre esta película en Español
شاهد هنا جميع المعلومات حول هذا الفيلم باللغة العربية
Toutes les informations sur ce film en Français
Вся информация об этом фильме на русском языке
ਇਸ ਫਿਲਮ ਬਾਰੇ ਸਾਰੀ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿਚ ਹੈ
Semua informasi tentang film ini dalam bahasa Melayu
Habari yote kuhusu filamu hii kwa Kiswahili
Todas as informações sobre este filme em Português
Tất cả thông tin về bộ phim này bằng Tiêng Việt
اردو میں اس فلم کے بارے میں تمام معلومات
Tutte le informazioni su questo film in Italiano
Bu filmle ilgili tüm bilgiler Türkçe
বাংলা ভাষায় এই ছবিটি সম্পর্কে সমস্ত তথ্য
----- تمام اطلاعات مربوط به این فیلم به زبان فارسی است -----
"evolution" will have its full public release on YouTube soon!
( workin' on it right now :-)
Moreover I currently write my first feature film
and work on many more short films
(if you'd like to be kept updated for my upcoming film releases
just subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking this LINK)
A nice summary of information about
filmmaker and film on the website of rok-tv
Comments from the audience (Tennessee, USA)
Trailer for "evolution" on Youtube
Comment from director
"evolution" on IMDb
Film review by Richard D. Propes in "The Independent Critic":
Evolution (12 Mins., Narrative Short)
Starring: Elisabeth Muller, Georg Jungermann; Written and Directed by: Georg Jungermann;
This solid German entry into the 2012 Heartland Film Festival centers around a woman named Lena
(Elisabeth Muller) who finds a message from her boyfriend (Georg Jungermann) that he will be arriving home
late. He informs her that there's a present for her in the wardrobe, but asks her to please wait until his return to open it.
Can she do it?
Nominated for Best Foreign Project at the Central Florida Film Festival, Evolution has been enjoying a
solid run on the film festival that began in September of last year at the Harlem International Film Festival and is a
delightful mixture of romance and comedy that works largely on the strength of the chemistry between Muller and Jungermann.
Film review by William Palmer (United States):
Evolution (12 Mins., Narrative Short)
In reviewing Melville's masterwork "Le Samourai," the late film critic Roger Ebert wrote that "action is the enemy of suspense."
Based on a simple yet effective premise, "Evolution" proves his point, carefully blending and exploiting film genres
and their cliches to marvelous effect. This polished, self assured debut from filmmaker Georg Jungermann
will leave other filmmakers asking themselves "Gee, why didn't I think of that?"
--> My first citation in a major German Newspaper - they asked my opinion as filmmaker <--
(its about Lee Hirschs and Harvey Weinsteins documentary "Bully" and its controversial discussion in the US)
..here you'll find some SHOWREELs
"Soko Wismar"
"Notruf Hafenkante"
"By my side" (MUSICAL)
"Himmelfahrt" (black comedy)
"Alles nur bla bla" (music video clip with band "Dreist", identical triplets)
More scenes (older)
..and here my
In case of further interest you can find more about me here:
"Before my father died.." (for the original post on Facebook click here)
"Work and Education" (to see it on Facebook just follow the little guide below)
For viewing on smartphones and iPads (Android and IOS): In the original Facebook app (so
not via internet browser), go to my private Facebook profile (Georg Jungermann), and there,
below the shorted list of my vita entries, touch on "• • • See Georg’s About Info".
For viewing on Windows PCs and Mac computers: Click this link
[..for smartphones and iPads this link does not work, because
the vita entries are then displayed incomplete-truncated]
And if you are interested in even more or have a request -
I would be very happy if you'd contact me via email.
Thank you! :-)
Schümann-Struck Schauspielerberatung (Hamburg/Germany)
And here you'll find the "evoluton"site with picture galleries etc.